Webpack: a gentle intro

Whenever you're learning a new tool, you should first ask yourself two questions.



If you can't answer both of those questions, you may not need the tool in the first place. Let's take those questions and apply them to webpack.

Why does Webpack exist?

At its core, webpack is a module bundler. It examines all of the modules in your application, creates a dependency graph, then intelligently puts all of them together into one or more bundle(s) that your **index.html** file can reference.

What problem is webpack solving?

Historically when building a JavaScript application, your JavaScript code would be separated by files (these files may or may not have been actual modules). Then in your **index.html** file, you'd have to include **<script>** tags to every JavaScript file you had.

Not only was this tedious, but it was also error-prone. There were the obvious issues like typos or forgetting to include a file, but more than that, the order of the **<script>** tags mattered. If you loaded a script that depended on React before loading the React script, things would break. Because webpack (intelligently) creates a bundle for you, both of those problems go away. You don't have to worry about forgetting a **<script>** and you don't have to worry about the order.

As we'll soon see, the "module bundling" aspect is just one part of webpack. If needed, you're also able to tell webpack to make certain transformations on your modules before adding them to the bundle. Examples might include transforming SASS/LESS to regular CSS or "modern JavaScript" to ES5 that the browser can understand.

Installing webpack

Assuming you've initialized a new project with npm, there are two packages you need to install to use webpack, **webpack** and **webpack-cli**.

npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev


Once you've installed **webpack** and **webpack-cli**, it's time to start configuring webpack. To do that, you'll create a **webpack.config.js** file that exports an object. Naturally, this object is where all the configuration settings for webpack will go.

// webpack.config.jsmodule.exports = {};

Remember, the whole point of webpack is to "examine all of your modules, (optionally) transform them, then intelligently put all of them together into one or more bundle(s)" If you think about that process, in order to do that, webpack needs to know three things.




The entry point

Whenever your application is composed of modules, there's always a single module that is the entry point of your application. It's the module that kicks everything off. Typically, it's an **index.js** file. Something like this.

If we give webpack the path to this entry file, it'll use that to create the dependency graph of our application (much like we did above, except... better). To do that, you add an **entry** property to your webpack config which points to your entry file.

Transformations with Loaders

Now that webpack knows the entry file, the next thing we need to tell it is what transformations to run on our code. To do this, we'll use what are called "loaders".

Out of the box, when webpack is building its dependency graph by examining all of your **import**/**require()** statements, it's only able to process JavaScript and JSON files.

There's a very good chance that you're going to want your dependency tree to be made up of more than just JS and JSON files - i.e., you're going to want to be able to import **.css** files, **.svg** files, images, etc, as we're doing above. This is where "loaders" can help us out. The primary purpose of a loader, as the name suggests, is to give webpack the ability to process more than just JavaScript and JSON files.

The first step to adding any loader is to download it. Because we want to add the ability to **import** **.svg** files in our app, we'll download the **svg-inline-loader** from npm.

npm install svg-inline-loader --save-dev

Next, we need to add it to our webpack config. All of the information for your loaders will go into an array of objects under **module.rules**.

Now there are two pieces of information we need to give webpack about each loader. First, the type of file we want to run the loader on (in our case, all **.svg** files). Second, the loader to use on that file type (in our case, **svg-inline-loader**).

To do this, we'll have an object with two properties, **test** and **use****test** will be a regex to match the file path and **use** will be the name of the loader we want to use.

Now anywhere in our app, we'll be able to import **.svg** files. What about our **.css**files though? Let's add a loader for that as well. We'll use the **css-loader**.

npm install css-loader --save-dev

Now anywhere in our app, we can import **.svg** and **.css** files. However, there's still one more loader we need to add to get our styles to work properly. Right now, because of our **css-loader**, we're able to **import** **.css** files. However, that doesn't mean those styles are being injected into the DOM. What we really want to do is **import** a CSS file then have webpack put all of that CSS in a **<style>** tag in the DOM so they're active on the page. To do that, we'll use the **style-loader**.

npm install style-loader --save-dev

Notice, because we now have two loaders for our **.css** rule, we change **use** to be an array. Also, notice that we have **style-loader** before **css-loader**. This is important. Webpack will process those in reverse order. So **css-loader** will interpret the **import './styles.css'** line then **style-loader** will inject that CSS into the DOM.

As we just saw with **style-loader**, loaders can do more than just allow you to **import** certain file types. They're also able to run transformations on files before they get added to the final output bundle. The most popular is transforming "next generation JavaScript" to the JavaScript of today that browsers can understand using Babel. To do this, you can use the **babel-loader** on every **.js** file.

npm install babel-loader --save-dev

There are loaders for just about anything you'd need to do. You can check out the full list here.

The output

Now that webpack knows the entry file and what loaders to use, the next thing we need to tell it is where to put the bundle it creates. To do this, you add an **output** property to your webpack config.

So the full process looks something like this.






We've seen how you can use loaders to work on individual files before or while the bundle is being generated. Unlike loaders, plugins allow you to execute certain tasks after the bundle has been created. Because of this, these tasks can be on the bundle itself, or just to your codebase. You can think of plugins as a more powerful, less restrictive version of loaders.

Let's take a look at a few examples.


Earlier we saw that the main benefit of webpack was that it would generate a single bundle for us that we could then use to reference inside of our main **index.html** page.

What **HtmlWebpackPlugin** does is it will generate this **index.html** page for us, stick it inside of the same directory where our bundle is put, and automatically include a **<script>** tag which references the newly generated bundle.

So in our example, because we've told webpack to name the final bundle **index_bundle.js** and put it in a folder called **dist**, when **HtmlWebpackPlugin**runs, it'll create a new **index.html** file, put it in **dist**, and include a script to reference the bundle, **<script src='index_bundle.js'></script>**. Pretty nice, right? Because this file is being generated for us by **HtmlWebpackPlugin**, even if we change the output path or file name of our bundle, **HtmlWebpackPlugin** will have that information and it'll adapt accordingly.

Now, how we do adjust our webpack config in order to utilize **HtmlWebpackPlugin**? As always, we first need to download it.

npm install html-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Next, we add a **plugins** property which is an array to our webpack config.

Then in order to use **HtmlWebpackPlugin**, we create a new instance of it inside of our **plugins** array.


If you're using React, you'll want to set **process.env.NODE_ENV** to **production**before you deploy your code. This tells React to build in production mode which will strip out any developer features like warnings. Webpack makes this simple by providing a plugin called **EnvironmentPlugin**. It comes as part of the **webpack** namespace so you don't need to download it.

Now, anywhere in our application, we'll be able to tell if we're running in production mode by using **process.env.NODE_ENV**.

**HtmlWebpackPlugin** and **EnvironmentPlugin** are just a small taste of what you can do with webpack's plugin system. Here's a full list of officially supported plugins.


Whenever you build your app for production, there are a few steps you want to take. We just learned about one of them which was setting **process.env.NODE_ENV** to **production**. Another would be minifying your code and stripping out comments to reduce the bundle size.

Utilizing plugins for each one of these production tasks would work, but there's a much easier way. In your webpack config, you can set the **mode** property to **development**or **production** depending on which environment you're in.

Notice we were able to get rid of our **EnvironmentPlugin**. The reason for that is by setting **mode** to **production**, webpack will automatically set **process.env.NODE_ENV** to **production**. It will also minify our code and strip out warnings.

Running webpack

At this point, we have a pretty solid grasp on how webpack works and how to configure it, the only other thing we need to do now is actually run it.

Assuming you're using npm and have a **package.json** file, you can create a **script**to execute **webpack**.

Now whenever you run **npm run build** from the command line, **webpack** will execute and create an optimized bundle named **index_bundle.js** and put it inside of the **dist** directory.

Production vs Development Modes

At this point, there's nothing more about webpack itself that we're going to cover. However, it is important that you understand how to easily switch between running in **development** mode and running in **production** mode.

As we talked about, when we're building for **production**, we want everything to be as optimized as possible. When we're building for **development**, the opposite is true.

To make it easy to switch between **production** and **development** builds, we'll have two different commands we can run via our npm **scripts**.

**npm run build** will build our app for production.

**npm run start** will start a development server which will automatically regenerate our bundle whenever we make a change to our code.

If you'll remember, we hardcoded **mode** to **production** inside of our webpack config. However, we only want to run in **production** mode when we run **npm run build**. If we run **npm run start**, we want **mode** set to **development**. To fix this, let's adjust our **scripts.build** property in our **package.json** file to pass along an environment variable.

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