Controlled vs Uncontrolled components

With React, instead of having the state of your app live inside of the DOM, it lives inside of your React components. Historically when you're dealing with forms, the opposite is usually true. The form state lives inside of the DOM (specifically in an **input** field), and whenever you need it, you grab it from the DOM. So assuming both of those things are true, how do you go about handling form state with React? Should the form state live in the DOM or inside of a React component? This question is at the heart of the difference between what are called "Controlled Components" and "Uncontrolled Components".

With "Controlled Components", you do things the "React way". The form state lives inside of the component's state and the value of the **input** field is whatever the value on the component state is. If you want to update the **input** field, you have to update the component state.

"Uncontrolled Components" are the opposite. You don't have any component state and instead, the form state lives inside of the DOM (or the **input**) field. Then, whenever you need to get the state, you grab it from the DOM.

Let's see some code.

Controlled Component

_You can play around with the _live version here.

The take away here is the **value** prop on the **input** field. Notice we're saying that the **value** of **input** is always going to be whatever **** is. That means, in order to change the text inside of the **input** field, we need to update ****. This is the essence of a Controlled Component. React is in control of the **email** state. When we need to access whatever the **email** is (like in **handleSubmit**), we access it just like we would any other property on our component's state, by using ****.

Uncontrolled Component

Now instead of having the state of our form live inside of a React component, we'll have it live inside of the DOM. To do this, we'll use React's **createRef** method and pass that ref to our **input**. By doing this, we'll be able to reference the **input** DOM node directly to grab its value.

_You can play around with the _live version here.

The first thing you'll notice is there's no more state. Instead, we create a new ref, then pass that as a **ref** prop to our **input** field. Then, anytime when we need to access the value of our **input** field (like in **handleSubmit**), we can grab it with **this.input.current.value**.

Now the big question, should you use a Controlled component or an Uncontrolled component? In my opinion, you should favor Controlled components. The whole point of React is to give React control of your state. Controlled components align better with that model.

Also, you may have noticed we had to remove **<pre>The email is {}</pre>** from our Uncontrolled Component. The reason for this is because the state of **email** lives in the DOM, React doesn't re-render whenever it changes. If you want to update the UI based on a piece of form state, you need to use Controlled components or else the UI won't update.

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