Component & Element types

Before we go much further, we need to be clear about the different kinds of things that we work with as we write JSX.

The most often used function in React is **React.createElement**, but you don't normally see it. That's because our JSX code is transformed into **React.createElement** calls. This function turns a component into an element, which can then be rendered to the DOM (or wherever else) using **ReactDOM.render**. When you call **React.createElement**, you pass in whatever props you want your element to have. It can then begin maintaining its own state.

Here are a few elements, and the results of calling **console.log** on one of them.

These React elements represent a single, unique immutable object that is returned from a component. If we were to look at the return type of **React.createElement**, we would see that it is **React.Element**, which makes perfect sense. This is the case whether we are using **React.createElement** directly, or using JSX.

We can use **ReactElement** as a prop.

Since our element already is an element, we don't need to wrap it in JSX brackets - we can just plop it right into our component.

**ReactElement** is an object shaped like what we saw up above, with **key****props****ref**, etc. What about components that return something other than **ReactElement**, like a string or array of numbers? If we were to try putting one of these components inside a JSX block, TypeScript would give us a warning.

To get this to work, we need to convince TypeScript that our string is actually a **ReactElement**. To do that, we could assert that our string is **unknown**, and then assert that it is a **ReactElement**.

If you remember doing this from the TypeScript course, you know that double type assertions are dangerous. We are lying to the type checker, and if we're wrong about the types, we could have a very hard time tracking down where our runtime type errors are coming from. We can give ourselves just a bit more type safety by asserting our string is a type that is common between **ReactElement** and strings: **ReactNode**. This is a type built into React's type definition that represents anything that can be used as a child of a React component, including strings and arrays.

Now, if we use our component in JSX, the type errors have gone away.

There is a slightly easier way to solve this. Just wrap our string in a React fragment to turn it into a **ReactElement**.

How you handle this is up to you. Just know that you have a few options.

A React component is a class or function which returns a React Node. Components define what props you can pass and what state can be held by the component, but the component itself doesn't hold state. It's just a template. Since you can call a function or instantiate a class multiple times, React components are intended to be used multiple times.

These are components:

These two component definitions, a class component and a function component, can be represented with a single type built into React's type definitions: **React.ComponentType<P>**, with **P** being the props of the component. Unsurprisingly, the type definition for **React.ComponentType<P>** is just a union of a class component and function component definition.

This next example is a little contrived, but it does show one way you might use **ComponentType**.

We can create a component that accepts another component as a prop, and renders that component as an element. We can use **ComponentType** to annotate our **Comp**prop.

We'll talk more about using components as props later in the course.

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